Training records

This API is used to read the list of training notes. For information about how to get started using the APIs available, see API Access.


  • page (integer)
    Zero-based page number. The query returns up to 50 rows per page. Based on has_more you might increment the page and request the next set of results.
  • student_id (integer)
    List training notes from a specific student.
  • instructor_id (integer)
    List training notes from a specific instructor.
  • incomplete_only (0/1)
    Filters the list to show only incomplete training records (where the instructor still needs to add their notes).



  • total (integer)
    Total number of records available (not affected by the page parameter).
  • has_more (boolean)
    True if there are more records available by incrementing the page parameter. When false you have read the whole list.
  • change_id (string)
    A string value which indicates whether any records have changed. If you have read all data previously and the next read returns the same change_id, nothing has changed. However, if the value changes you might discard your current result set and read again from the first page.
  • rows  (array)
    Each row contains information about a training record.


Each row contains the following fields.

  • id (integer)
  • url (string)
  • start_time (integer)
    Training start time recorded as unix epoch.
  • stop_time (integer)
    Training finish time.
  • instructor_id (integer)
  • instructor_name (string)
  • student_id (integer)
  • student_name (string)
  • operating_capacity (string)
  • exercises (string)
  • notes (string)
  • flight (object)
    If the training refers to a flight, the flight information is included.
  • voucher (object)
    If the training was for a ground school voucher, the voucher is included.
  • invoice_reference (string)
  • accounts_code (string)
    If an accounts code is used during billing it is stored against the training record to allow for analysis.



Not all fields are present for every training record. For example, the flight object is not included for ground school.


curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer fb1f233e08aeef0a213dc87cea70cedbd7dbcd0a2229cac4f64e14e3c462cc8e" ""

(Use your own site's URL, replacing acme with the name of your subdomain and use your own token)