Cecilia Bailey, Cambridge Aero Club

Cambridge Aero Club LogoWe’re always looking to squeeze as much flying as possible out of a given day here at Cambridge Aero Club, and electronic booking systems are just so much more efficient than paper ones!
We loved the idea of being able to access bookings from anywhere, for students to snap up free slots as soon as they became available, and for seamless email confirmations so everyone would know where they should be and when. We looked for a booking system with these features and Flight School Booking provided all these services, plus more we didn’t know we needed!
Members have already made good use of the medical, licence and membership expiry reminder features, and we’re looking at implementing the booking-out system soon too. What’s ideal about Flight School Booking is how much room there is to grow – it has so much capability, so we’re starting with the online diary with a view to taking advantage of more of its features soon.
But what really sold us on Flight School Booking was how attentive and flexible Mathew has been throughout the whole process. He responds to feedback so quickly, and has made so many little changes so that we have a customised system. It’s also just lovely having an actual person to ask questions to – with some of the other systems we considered, we worried about being cast adrift with only an automated contact system for help.
I would highly recommend Flight School Booking if your flight school is looking for a functional, beautiful and adaptable booking system!
Cecilia Bailey
Cambridge Aero Club
October 2020

172 and Extra parked up, Cambridge Aero Club