Kemble Flying Club

Kemble Flying Club LogoWe started using the system in April this year (2016) and it has transformed how we handle the day to day paperwork.

In the past, members and pilots were able to make bookings in another online system, and while this worked for us, it lacked many features of this one. Using this new system, members receive reminders by email, they can view their bookings on their iPhone via their standard calendar app and they are encouraged to re-book with a monthly logbook summary.

Our previous system had us using separate programs for things like bookings, recording training notes and sending newsletters. Now all these are combined together, which means there's a lot less work for us to maintain it all.

The system is quick and easy to use, both for pilots under training and for instructors. Booking out is simple, thanks to a lot of the information being carried forward from the booking. Then entering flight details is just as easy. Instructors usually complete training notes with the student present, but even if this step is forgotten, the system emails the instructor to make sure nothing gets missed.

We're very happy with the new system, it has proven itself reliable and easy to use and has cut down admin time.